MOZART with Tomospec
Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women today. Early detection is renowned for its crucial factor in healing from tis cancer. In addition, in order to treat breast cancer effectively, one first has to find it. If the Mammogram was the innovation of breast cancer treatment in the early 20th century, 3D digital tomosynthesis is the cutting edge technology for breast tissue analysis today.
The Mozart® with Tomospec® digital specimen radiography system is revolutionizing breast tissue examination. With its proprietary 3D and 2D high resolution images, Mozart® with Tomospec® enables comprehensive analysis of breast tissue specimens in the vicinity of the operation room and during the tissue excising procedure. The system provides the surgeon with a real-time indication of a successful procedure, thus reducing re-excision rates and call backs, while saving costly operation-room time for the hospital. Patient comfort and quality of care are significantly improved.
The Mozart® with Tomospec® system is designed for the efficient examination of core needle biopsies, surgically excised breast tissue, and excised organ and bone specimens. The combination of 3D and 2D images enable examination of tissue with new angles and enhanced 3D depth never seen before without repositioning of the specimen. The Mozart® with Tomospec® system provides the most comprehensive margin analysis results.

So Where is the Technological Twist?
Mozart® with Tomospec® is the only tomosythesis system, in which there is no need to turn the specimen over while risking its contamination or collapse. The MOZART system does it all for you, X-raying the specimen at varying angles for comprehensive intra-operative analysis and detection on-site.
Reviewing a specimen from such a large variety of angles insures the highest quality of analysis and increases the chance of detection of even the earliest of tumors. With Mozart® with Tomospec® detection statistics are improved and call-backs are reduced. MOZART from Kubtec is helping in saving lives!
Product Dimensions:
Width: 61 cm (24")
Depth: 58 cm (23")
Height: 145 cm (57")
Product Weight:
136 Kg (300lbs)
Detector Sizes:
12 cm X 15 cm (5" X 6")
20 cm X 20 cm (8" X 8")
Tech Spec:
Energy Range: 10-50 kV
Tube Current: up to 1.0 mA
Window Filtration: 0.005" Beryllium
Power: 90-250 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 500 VA
Spatial Resolution: 10 lp/mm, contact mode
Focal Spot: 50 µm, nominal
User Interface: Touch screen monitor, icon based interface
DICOM Compliant: Annotate, Store, Print, Modality Work List
* Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Images Copyright © 2015 KUB Technologies, Inc. of which RTUTec is a distributor
MOZART from Kubtec was recently featured in a poster, which was presented at NCoBC and ASBrS conferences. Tomosynthesis entails advantages to surgeons in the operating room, enabling comprehensive imaging data, which can be easily exported to PACS and confirming close margins, all under two minutes. Learn More
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