Product Dimensions:
Width: 54 cm (21")
Depth: 59 cm (23")
Height: 174 cm (29")
(without Cart)
Product Weight:
67.5 Kg (150 lbs)
Cart weight: 45 Kg ( 100 lbs)
Detector Sizes:
12 cm X 15 cm (5" X 6")
DIGIMUS mobile X-ray cabinet system is especially designed for research applications, as it can provide high resolution radiography images and measure BMD in mice. The unit offers the advanced automated exposure control feature (AEC) and automated calibration. the image acquisition and BMD calculation are completed within seconds. The short exposure times also enhance animal care level. The DIGIMUS images can be normalized and compared to traditional BMD results.
A small focal spot X-ray source and digital detector allow for high resolution , high contrast images. Magnification capabilities and adjustable sample positioning enable detection of the tiniest details. portals integrated in the unit enable introducing anesthesia and other monitoring devices for in vivo imaging.
The system is a contain ed unit. the enclosure is illuminated, easy to clean and disinfect as required. the unit is compatible with CE, Canadian, U.S Federal and State radiation safety regulations.
So Where is the Technological Twist?
Never before has there been the possibility to acquire an image, conduct measurements and complete the BMD calculation in just a matter of seconds. Automated exposure control (AEC) and calibration sequences eliminate the tiresome waiting for multiple calibration cycles. The system is designed as an enclosed unit, which is equipped to best serve the research X-ray technologist.
Tech Spec:
Energy Range: 10-50 kV
Tube Current: 1.0 mA
Window Filtration: 0.005″ Beryllium
Beam Filtration: 0.02″ (0.5 mm) Aluminum
Power: 90-250 VAC, 50/60 Hz, SOOVA
User Interface: Touch screen monitor, icon based interface
DICOM Compliant: Annotate, Store, Print, Modality Work List
* Specifications are subject to change without notice.
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