Product Dimensions:
XPERT 80 (WxDxH)
With Cart:
76 cm X 64 cm X 157 cm
(30" X 25" X 62")
Without Cart:
47 cm X 56 cm X 86 cm
(18.5" X 22" X 34")
Interior Cabinet Size:
36 cm X 43 cm X 41 cm
(14" X 17" X 16")
Product Weight:
113 Kg (250lbs)
Cart weight: 68 Kg (150lbs)
Product Dimensions:
With Cart:
81 cm X 95 cm X 150 or 180 cm
(32" X 37.5" X 59" or 71")
Interior Cabinet Size:
64 cm X 71 cm X 53 cm
(25" X 28" X 21")
Product Weight:
454 Kg (1000lbs) with cart
Detector Sizes:
12 cm X 15 cm (5" X 6")
20 cm X 20 cm (8" X 8")
20 cm X 25 cm (8" X 10")
23 cm X 29 cm (10" X 12")
Detector Sizes:
12 cm X 15 cm (5" X 6")
20 cm X 20 cm (8" X 8")
20 cm X 25 cm (8" X 10")
23 cm X 29 cm (10" X 12")
40 cm X 04 cm (16" X 16")
43 cm X 43 cm (17" X 17")
XPERT 80/ 80-L
In pathology specimen analysis one of the major concerns of the lab technicians is not to contaminate the samples. For this purpose a digital radiography system that can provide comprehensive imaging with minimal movement of the inspected item has a clear advantage. So sometimes size really does matter. When one can inspect a large area, this means the sample can fit into it without the need to replace it to inspect different areas. The XPERT80-L can image a full term fetus, a complete mastectomy or an adult femur is a single view.
XPERT 80 and XPERT80-L are provided with 7 various size detectors. XPERT 80-L has the largest detector available (14’X17”/ 34X34cm) in a self-contained portable x-ray cabinet system. Despite its large size, the detector of this system can provide comprehensive high resolution 16 bit images showing the tiniest details in materials with varying density.
To top it all off, the system is provides with a 10kV - 130kV small focal spot X-ray source, so the smallest variations in density become visible in brighter images. Optional microfocus with up to 5X magnification or soft X-ray features are also available. AEC based fully automated digital imaging with manual option included. A high resolution camera is available to provide optical detailed images of the specimen for easy comparison to the X-ray results.
So Where is the Technological Twist?
Digital radiography imaging enables both high resolution and high contrast images. Pathologists and doctors no longer have to choose between these two options. Comprehensive analysis of the specimen is at their fingertips. With a touchscreen user interface, the areas of interest are easily located, measured, documented with annotations and saved in various formats. The system also integrates easily with third party software, making it idea for pathology and research applications.
All the advanced technology or XPERT is packed into a truly portable cabinet that is suited to operate in most environments with a standard AC power requirement. The cabinet is designed to allow introduction of anesthesia and cables for monitoring devices via various portals.
Tech Spec: XPERT 80
Energy Range: 10-50 kV/90 kV micro focus
Viewing Window Size (WxH) : 18 cm X 23 cm (7" X 9")
Tube Current: up to 1.0 mA
Window Filtration: 0.005" beryllium
Film coverage: 25.5 cm X 30.5 cm (10" X 12")
Power: 90-250 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 500 VA
High Resolution Optical Camera: Available
User Interface: Touch screen monitor available
DICOM Compliant: Annotate, Store, Print, Modality Work List
Tech Spec: XPERT 80L
Energy Range: 10-50kV/ 90 kV micro focus /130 kV micro focus
Tube Current: up to 1.0 mA
Window Filtration: 0.005" Beryllium
Film coverage: 35.5 cm X 43 cm (14" X 17")
Power: 90-250 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 500 VA
High Resolution Optical Camera: Available
User Interface: Touch screen monitor available
DICOM Compliant: Annotate, Store, Print, Modality Work List

Images Copyright © 2015 KUB Technologies, Inc. of which RTUTec is a distributor
* Specifications are subject to change without notice.
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