Product Dimensions:
Width: 58 cm (23")
Depth: 58 cm (23")
Height: 127 cm (50")
Product Weight (with Cart):
136 Kg (300lbs)
Detector Sizes:
5 cm X 10 cm (2" X 4")
7.6 cm X 12 cm (3" X 5")
10 cm X 10 cm (4" X 4")
12 cm X 15 cm (5" X 6")
20 cm X 20 cm (8" X 8")

Images Copyright © 2015 KUB Technologies, Inc. of which RTUTec is a distributor
XPERT 40 is an ideal system for breast cancer specimen radiography . Its an easy to use compact and self contained digital X-ray unit tat can be easily placed in the vicinity of the operations room, so that specimen imaging is available during operation for the significant reduction of call back rates. The system is shielded and is compliant with US Federal, State and international safety and radiation regulations.
XPERT 40 is available with the DIGIVIEW™ line of digital detectors (up to 20X20cm in size) or with a CR cassette. Its high resolution images are available in real-time. The X-ray source small focal spot, high penetration and its maneuvering capabilities allow for 5X magnification and the detection of the smallest detail in the specimen, even with dense tissue.
The unit has zero warm up time and automatic calibration. It offers Automatic Exposure control (AEC) and the ability to send multiple images, with annotations, to PACS. With a special Artemis 3D filter enhanced visibility of micro-calcifications in mammography quality is available.
In the pathology lab, the XPERT 40 is perfect for pathology inspection of tissue or specimens in wax blocks. The high end quality images are available in seconds and the user friendly software enables a comprehensive analysis within a short time. Time to results is considerably reduced.
So Where is the Technological Twist?
The XPERT 40 is a compact and highly mobile system, ideal for breast cancer specimen radiology. It is easily transported between the biopsy suite and the operating room. It has the largest detector in its class and the integrated X-ray source enables penetration of dense tissue so that the radiologist and the surgeon can see fine details in seconds. An optional integrated optical camera, which is available in the entire XPERT series, facilitates side by side comparison with 2D X-ray images. The XPERT 40 is suitable for imaging cores and surgical specimens as well as stereotactic biopsies and its software is DICOM compatible.
Tech Spec:
Energy Range: 10-50 kV
Tube Current: up to 1.0 mA
Window Filtration: 0.005" Beryllium
Power: 90-250 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 500 VA
Spatial Resolution: 10 lp/mm, contact mode
Focal Spot: 50 µm, nominal
User Interface: Touch screen monitor, icon based interface
DICOM Compliant: Annotate, Store, Print, Modality Work List
* Specifications are subject to change without notice.
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