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RTUTec strives to bring you the most interesting and up to date information. Learn from the experts about innovative detecting technologies, read our articles, blogs and publications to stay on top of detection trends.

Tangential measurement techniques with Digital Radiography (DR)
Wall Thickness Measurement

December 1, 2012


Wall thickness  measurement is one of the more popular radiographic tests for pipes. Ron Pincu, Lior Pick and Rachel Lieberman review the complications and techniques to over come them, when using digital radiography based on amorphous Silicon detectors. website


Wall thickness measurement is required in order to determine if the pipe wall thickness has been altered (for example by corrosion or erosion processes). This test is part of a routine testing procedure fr the maintenance of pipes in various factories and facilities including refineries as well as oil and gas pipelines, as even the slightest change in the pipe wall may result in its fraction if it is unable to withstand operation pressures. The amount of  material penetration required, blooming effect and the implications of magnification are discussed.


For more articles by Ron Pincu , published on the website, click here.

Digital Radiography (DR) image of IQI wire on pipe with welding defects
Digital Radiography for High-energy NDT Applications

April 1, 2011


Ron Pincu and Ofra Kleinberger review digital radiography utilization in high-energy applications, with radiation above 150kV, including Isotope - even with Cobalt 60.

Materials Evaluation Magazine, April 2011 page 452.


Amorphous Silicon detectors designed for operation with high levels of energy have a special structure, in which the electronic components are not placed behind the imaging area, but rather along side it. This allows for minimal back scattering, thin detectors that fit into tight places and work with only a thin lightweight shield. The operation is easy, setup is fast and highest quality images are available on the screen on site within seconds. Due to special detector capabilities radiation times are shortened, increasing the efficiency and safety when using Isotopes. 


For more articles by Ron Pincu, about DR in ASNT's Material Evaluation Magazine, click here.

The transition from conventional X-ray to Digital Radiography in NDT
The Transition from Conventional X-ray to Digital X-ray NDT

May 1, 2009


Ron Pincu and Ofra Kleinberger review the transaction of radiographic testing from film X-ray to digital radiography based on portable digital X-ray systems designed for testing in both lab and field conditions.

Materials Evaluation Magazine, May 2009 Page 499. 


With the announcement from large X-ray film companies in 2009 that film production will be reduced, digital radiography was beginning to earn its place in the NDT market, a trend that has fully blossomed with the issue of ASTM E2597-07 standard for DR. In this article, Ron and Ofra prove true thought leadership as they describes a case study conducted by Ron comparing pipe film X-ray and digital radiography testing in both lab and field conditions years before digital radiography had been universally adopted for NDT purposes.


For more articles by Ron Pincu in ASNT's Material Evaluations Magazine, click here.

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